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Can't FIND IT?
We make hundreds of customized products for thousands of retail stores around the country. So there's a good chance that you may have purchased a product from our company at a retail store which does not look EXACTLY LIKE a product on this site.
Please just email us and we will direct you to the correct product in the same scent (though it may be a different label). If the label does not EXACTLY MATCH what you have already, it may not be the same scent as the products on our site - so please don't hesitate to ASK!
If your label says "Floral Citrus", "Florida Citrus", "Southern Citrus", "Desert Blossom" or "Cactus Flower" then it is: DEMOISELLE
Here are a few of the collections we get asked about the most.
Click on the product image below to be directed to the correct collection. That will be the matching what you have.
to match this item: this is "Floral Citrus" from the Demoiselle collection
to match this item: this is "Floral Citrus" from the Demoiselle collection
* If you are looking for KISS or Bamboo & Green Tea or APPLE BLOSSOM, please use the BLENDING BAR and choose the scent from the drop down menu.
Still can't find it? Email us!
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